You cannot go to law school and med school at the same time. They are both full-time programs that will take up all of your time. You would need to become one first and then the other one. It doesn't matter which one you do first though.
I do not believe that Harvard offers a duel degree (JD/MD) program and I am quite sure that since it does not you are unable to study at both the law and medical schools, but I could be mistaken on that.
At the law school which I graduated from, they offered a joint JD/MD degree program and that is ideally what you are looking for as these programs do all of the balancing for you and that takes a load off when planning your schedule.
These programs typically six years to complete and one usually takes the first two years of law school as one unit and the first three phases of medical school as one unit, but it is up to you which track you start first.
I don't know about a lawyer, but I am also looking into becoming a doctor. You will first have to get a four year degree. There are certain courses you will have to take like, organic chemistry, biology, english, calculus or some other advanced math class. Anyway, check online or at the college you wish to apply and see what they require. It is not a requirement, but they recommend that you major in some sort of science. I think I am going to major in biology. It is a heck of a lot easier than organic chemistry. So after you obtain a four year degree, and maintain a GPA of at least 3.75, you must take this test called the Medical College Admissions Test, or the MCAT. The MCAT is basically like the SAT, or ACT, but it's on steriods. If you aim to score a 10 in each section, you will do fine. After you test high enough to even be considered, you will have to start applying to medical schools. This requires essay writing, interviews, more tests, ect. If you end up getting accepted into medical school, you start your medical training. This involves learning about different diseases, how to diagnose patients, and learning about the health care of patients. The first two years is a lot of studying and test taking, then the last two years are a lot of hands on with actual patients. After you finish medical school, you must take your residency test and train more extensively. The residency is basically what you want to do as a doctor. Do you want to work with OB/GYN, do you want to be a surgon, would you like to be a pediatrication? ect..... Anyway, it costs about $175,000 to $250,000 depending on where you go. (It may be more or less in some cases.) You can look into grants and student loans though for assisstance. The average time it takes to become a doctor is 12 years. It could be as little at 11, or as high as 16-18. Again, it just depends on what you want to get into exactly. Anyway, I hope this helped you. Good Luck!!! Maybe one day we'll be working together at a hospital in the future. If you have any further questions about becoming a doctor, try out this link. I found it to be very helpful:
There is no way in hell, someone could afford that or balance that
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