วันอังคารที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What kind of lawyer should I contact to get out of a lease?

My landlord isn't properly maintaining my property, and I want out of my lease. What kind of lawyer should I call?

In our Yellow Pages, Attorneys has an area where the type of practice is separated. We have an Attorney-Real Estate Law section. You might look for that. You might also contact your city Code Enforcement and have them inspect the property if you think there are violations. Hopefully you have sent notices for request for repairs to your landlord certified mail and kept copies; that will help. But, most likely, you will learn from this time. Send the landlord a letter today; take it to a post office and pay the extra $4 to have it sent certified return receipt requested that will show that they actually received it. But, you need to know your city or state laws as to how long they have to make a repair. Call the city. They may be able to help you so you don't need an attorney. I once had an attorney send a note to my landlord telling her that she could not keep my deposit to pay for normal cleaning and painting. It cost me $15, and she gave me my whole deposit back.

I wish you luck.

Real estate.

Need more information. But, you should show it to a local lawyer. Most will answer one question without charge.








Unless you can really prove negligence on the landlord it's almost impossible to get out of a lease. Most lawyers would even bother to return your call. Your city should have some sort of returns union that could give you advice to whether you have a legal leg to stand on. Good luck.

before you do that, you need to make attempts to prove that he is not maintaining the property. take pictures, send complaints by registered mail to the landlord, etc.

you will want a real estate lawyer

We need more information on this. Like how is he not maintaining the property? Since you don't say it's difficult to give you a good solid answer to your question.

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