วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How much does a lawyer get paid on average?

Much appreciated if you could also say what type of lawyer and per week or per year or something.

I think Tony's response was superb. It covered the various areas and in sufficient detail. Well done Tony.

But the point is, that the pay varies considerably!

It varies by practice area (criminal, intellectual property, family law, etc.), by geographical area, by region type (urban, suburban, rural), by reputation, size of firm experience, etc. Lots of things!

In the US

legal aid attorneys make around 30k a year as do most entry level state law jobs.

State court judges in the Midwest make around 90K

Federal judges are around 160k

The average cos t per hour in civil work in the Midwest for private practice is 150 an hour

Criminal work is more.

Lawyers paid for court appointed work in the federal system is around 130 an hour

Most small firm Midwest PP lawyers average net around 70k a year

High Street Solicitors earn anything between £20 - £45000 a year depending on location - specialist solicitors including employment, commercial, tax etc earn more and an average salary would be in the £70-£100k range.

Far and away highest earning solicitors are those who work in the City of London - training salaries can exceed £60000 and a senior associate in a large firm of corporate solicitors can easily earn £250 000 a year but competition for these places is intense (around 3000 applicants annually for one firm which offers 30 places) and it's very demanding and high pressure work. Divorce, nervous breakdowns, alcoholism and drug use are common in this group - one mistake can end your career at any time or stage and, especially in the early years, working continuously for 72 hours is not unusual. Most large firms have a target of around 1800 billable hours annually and training, internal work, non billable hours eat into the working week as well so 48 hours is generally a minimum working week and there is no maximum.

A side bonus for nights off is that there are generally free tickets available for shows, football games, concerts etc since most solicitors book such events in advance and then can't attend when a deal comes in - most firms refund solicitors for having to cancel prebooked holidays when a deal stops the holiday from being taken but it's hard on family life.

Far less than the public think. But still good. I can only answer from a criminal law perspective:

High Street Legal Aid Solicitors' firm - Employed Solicitor can expect £25k-£35k. Partner of a reasonably sized firm should take about £70k plus.

Criminal Barrister just starting out will turn over about £40k (but must pay Chambers fees - usually around 15% of their income plus a standing rent of about £200-£300 per month plus VAT). Income rises with reputation since we're self-employed. Can be very lucrative if you land a decent-sized case. £150k plus per year not impossible after about 10 years.

Crown Prosecution salaries are a matter of public record so check out www.cps.gov.uk where they range from about £20k (unqualified assistant prosecutor) to about £30k (prosecutor), £46k for Crown Advocate, £60k for senior crown advocate and then about £90k for a Principal Crown Advocate.

District Judge in the Magistrates will earn £104k per year. Crown Court Judge £126k. High Court, Court of Appeal and House of Lords earn progressively more - again, it's on-line on ministry of justice website.

Criminal Law is the least well-paid. Family and Civil practitioners can make a hell of a lot more. If employed, you can earn up to about £90k if you're in London doing commercial law. But if you're a partner in a firm that does certain types of commercial work, tax, large-scale industrial injury etc. then 7-figure salaries are not unheard of. But then why not? it's just a business - if you're any good you make lots of money. If you're not, you don't. Just like if you owned a factory or software company or something. Legal Services are a product with customers just like anything else I suppose. The more you sell, the more you make.

Apart from Criminal Law. Which is what I do. We don't expect to earn 7-figure salaries!

The law market is not doing well in this economy. Lawyers are being laid off all over the country. This means that a lot of them are also taking a cut in pay, or working more and more hours for the pay they get.

Fortunately, there are a lot of websites dedicated to helping qualified lawyers find high quality jobs.

For a law student right out of school, their starting salary can be as high as $160,000. As you get more experience in the firm, your salary will increase.


Three hundred an hour is not unheard of, and some much more than that.

£100 an hour basic standard lawyer that is one with a small brain. Then plus each letter an each phone call it goes on and on overpaid geeks.

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