I have a full time job that due to economic conditions I obviously dont want to lose.
I am looking at possibly going to law school on a part time basis during the evenings.
Am I barking up the wrong tree? Just from a work hours on top of study hours perspective, is this a crazy under taking?
Any advice is appreciated.
It is crazy. If you have no family and don't care about a social life go for it. What is it like 4 yrs doing nights? There is a glut of lawyers too. United States needs more lawyers like we need swine flu, hopefully when you get out you can find a law job that pays $35,000-$50,000, is it worth it, no not really but hey who cares it is just your life and serious debt?
Here are some examples of what awaits you for your 4 yr struggle + the Bar Exam:
From a recent Boston Craigslist job post by an attorney:
Recently admitted attorney seeking work assisting criminal defense attorneys in any capacity. I have worked with indigent defendants in clinical settings and interned for several excellent defense attorneys and a federal judge, but am finding few opportunities for entry level work in the field. I am proficient (though not fluent) in Spanish, have strong research and writing skills, am passionate about indigent defense, and am an extremely quick learner. I will research, draft motions, conduct interviews, even answer phones, for a low fee of $10 an hour in exchange for the opportunity to observe, and perhaps participate in, actual litigation. References and writing samples available.
Or, From a recent Yahoo Post:
Small general practice law firm located near Columbus, OH. Started at $40K 1.5 years ago after first receiving law license. After 3 months pay was raised to $43K. Had annual review and was told although I had a stellar performance and deserved a raise the office couldn't afford to give me 1. When started was told I should be paid more than they were paying me but they couldn't afford to pay me more. Have several years of paralegal experience. Graduated in top 20% of class. Did internships and clinics during law school. Didn't need much training when started. Feel like starting pay was too low and current pay should be much higher. Can't find much info. on small firm salaries though.
Sound tempting? COME LIVE THE DREAM. Note: these two examples will never show up in a glossy law school brochure. THIS IS REALITY.
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