วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is the fastest way of becoming a lawyer.?

I'm a freshman in high school and i have always wanted to be a lawyer in New York City. I was told that i should take two years of college then become a paralegal for a few years before returning to school for five years to become a lawyer. I've been thinking that maybe i should just go straight into school for seven years and pop out a lawyer. Is there a shorter way to become a lawyer? Is there a better way?

you have to go to school and then pass the bar

Warning: Jobs in the field of Law are drying up FAST!!! The main reason is we just have WAY TOO MANY attorneys!!! We have a GLUT of lawyers!!!

So even IF you do make it through law school, you probably won't be able to find a job when you get out. There are a LOT of lawyers today working as Legal Secretaries and/or Paralegals because they cannot find a job.

If you are not sure if you want to be a lawyer, go to your school's guidance counselor and ask to take a "Vocational Test" - this is not a real test, but rather a test about your likes and skills. This would better direct you to the field that you would be the best in. This also would be a LOT cheaper than going through law school, becoming an attorney and then finding out that you HATE it. There are a lot of miserable lawyers out there.

If you are planning on becoming a lawyer...after you graduate get your bachelors. (4 years). Then you need to go to law school (another 3 years). I would skip the Paralegal degree and just go to school. There is no short way. After you graduate law school you will then need to pass your State's bar exam. Until you pass the exam you will not be a lawyer.

There is no fast way to become a lawyer unless you take accelerated courses in college. That means you should take as many hours per semester that the university allows and also go to school in the summer. This way you can graduate in 3 years instead of 4. Here are the steps you need to take:

1. You need to go to college and get a Bachelor's degree. You can get this degree in any field you chose, but I would suggest Political Science or Pre-Law since these majors prepare you the best for law school. If you know what area of law you want to practice, you could major in something related to that field as well. Do your research for that.

2. After you graduate (or when you are about to graduate) from college, you will need to take the LSAT. I've taken this test. It's VERY hard. So prepare a lot. I would suggest taking a prep course through Kaplan (www.kaplan.com) and getting a tutor. Since you're still young and have quite a bit of time before you take the LSAT, I'd suggest going to a book store and buying an LSAT prep book while you're still in high school so that you can start getting familiar with the kinds of questions they ask and the way of thinking that is required. (they don't ask the typical math, science, history, reading questions like most tests, so don't freak out!)

3. Register for the LSAT at www.lsac.org. After you take the LSAT, you can start applying to law school. You will also need letters of recommendation (mostly, from professors in college) and your transcript from college.

4. You can graduate from law school in less than 3 years if you take more credit hours, but I would not suggest this as law school is very difficult and will require a lot of your time.

5. After law school, you will have to take and pass the BAR. Once you pass the BAR, you will get sworn in and receive your license. This is the ONLY way to become a lawyer.

I would not suggest becoming a paralegal first because you will still need to go to school to get a Bachelor's degree and a Juris Doctorate (aka Law Degree). This is actually a SLOWER approach to becoming a lawyer, but it does provide a lot of experience which could be useful.

P.S. I'm not sure what kind of writing tips you are looking for. What kind of writing would you like to do?


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