วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What type of lawyer do i need and how old do i have to be to prosecute in the state of texas?

what criminal case do i have i want to press charges on my dad for telling lies and persecuting my mom for no reason behind it and telling false lies about. Stuff that didnt happend. Lieing on the stand and telling lies so he could gain custody. What should i do i am only 17 years old. It would be a little to early to prosecute now i would have to wait till i am 18 to get a lawyer? And what type lawyer would i need?

Not sure what kind of lawyer you need but here's some extremely valuale tips on things you should know before hiring one. Good luck!


There is no private criminal prosecution in the u.s., If you have knowledge of a crime, notify he local police. The police can investigate and report to the DA. The decision to use taxpayer money to seek a criminal conviction is reserved to the DA. Telling lies about people is usually not a crime. Perjury is a crime, but it is very difficult to prove and is rarely prosecuted. "persecution" has no specific meaning and I don't know if you are trying to describe a crime or not.

You can't prosecute a criminal case. The state prosecutes criminal cases. You don't even have legal standing to sue your father in civil court since your mother is the person who has been "persecuted."

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